The Parent-Student Relationship In College Searches

As many students have already begun preparing for the season of college admissions, many parents have been thrusted into the next step of their parental careers. The college search process has been known to disrupt the parent-student relationship as it can be challenging for parents to yield and allow their student to lead the way. Understanding this, it’s important for students and parents alike to set expectations and parameters early, as to avoid any additional conflict throughout the process. While as a parent it may feel as though you will never be fully prepared for this time in your child’s life, the truth is there are certain strategies to employ that can simplify the process and keep your relationship with your child strong. To learn more about those strategies, spend a moment reviewing the infographic linked within this post.

The Parent-Student Relationship In College Searches for more information on the college search process, be sure to check out the Encourage App

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